東京ショールーム リニューアルグランドオープン
October 17, 2018

イタリアブランドらしくシンプルで洗練された空間設計は、Leica, Mikimoto, Omegaなどの店舗デザインや、海外ブランドのフラッグシップショップを多く手がける Design Fresco によるものです。
以前よりも展示面積を広げて、ブランドを代表する名作家具はもちろん、日本初披露となる最新作「BRUTシリーズ(Konstantin Grcic)」「Vitrail(Inga Sempé)」なども取り揃え、新しいMagis の世界をご堪能いただけます。
1976年の創業より、ブランド主導の企画をデザイナーと協働し、イタリア国内の協力工場で生産(すべてMade in Italy)という手法をとり続けているMagis。
今秋リニューアルした青山ビルは、内装をNYの人気ホテル「Ace Hotel」や「The Standard Hotel」、さらにはFacebook社の社員食堂などを手がけたデザインスタジオ、ローマン・アンド・ウィリアムスがアジアで初めてデザインを担当し、イメージを新たに生まれ変わっております。
営業時間:10:30~19:00 定休日:日曜日、祝日
東京都港区北青山1-2-3 青山ビル1F t.03-3405-6050 f.03-3405-6051
Due to the renovation works of the Aoyama Building, Magis Tokyo Showroom was temporally relocated from its 1st floor to the 12th where it operated its business for 1 year.
On November 1st, MAGIS will reopen its Tokyo Showroom once again on the 1st floor.
Design Fresco, which has worked with the flagship shops of overseas brand such as Leica, Mikimoto and Omega, designed the space suited to the Italian brand in a simple but sophisticated way.
The display area has been increased and besides the masterpieces, representing the brand worldwide, also the new collection “Brut” design Konstantin Grcic and “Vitrail” design Inga Sempé will be on show. With this, we are confident to lead you into the spirit of the MAGIS world.
Since 1976 when it was founded, Magis has developed partnerships with major international designers and Italian factories in Italy for the complete manufacturing of its products, 100% “Made in Italy”.
From plastic furniture, which was once the main focus, Magis has expanded the range of materials like metals, wood and wrought iron for the development of its products which, in recent years, have received high support from customers who seek innovation and creativity in their lifestyle.
Magis opened the first showroom in Japan, located in Shinjuku in 2009 and it was then transferred to the present Aoyama 1-chome area in 2012. Successively, in 2017, it opened the 2nd showroom, located in Osaka.
The renovation of Aoyama Building, has been designed by the studio “Roman and Williams.” They have worked with “Ace Hotel” and “The standard Highline”, NY’s famous hotels, and also carried out the project for the cafeteria of Facebook. The Aoyama Building is their first interior design project in Asia and they successfully managed to create an aesthetically attractive image to the building.
We welcome you to the Magis Tokyo Showroom Renewal Opening in the Aoyama Building, the new landmark of Aoyama 1-chome area. We are looking forward to seeing you.
MAGIS Tokyo Showroom Profile
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Open: 10:30~19:00 Close: Sunday and national holidays
Aoyama Bldg. 1F, 1-2-3 Kita-aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
t.03-3405-6050 f.03-3405-6051
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
イタリアブランドらしくシンプルで洗練された空間設計は、Leica, Mikimoto, Omegaなどの店舗デザインや、海外ブランドのフラッグシップショップを多く手がける Design Fresco によるものです。
以前よりも展示面積を広げて、ブランドを代表する名作家具はもちろん、日本初披露となる最新作「BRUTシリーズ(Konstantin Grcic)」「Vitrail(Inga Sempé)」なども取り揃え、新しいMagis の世界をご堪能いただけます。
1976年の創業より、ブランド主導の企画をデザイナーと協働し、イタリア国内の協力工場で生産(すべてMade in Italy)という手法をとり続けているMagis。
今秋リニューアルした青山ビルは、内装をNYの人気ホテル「Ace Hotel」や「The Standard Hotel」、さらにはFacebook社の社員食堂などを手がけたデザインスタジオ、ローマン・アンド・ウィリアムスがアジアで初めてデザインを担当し、イメージを新たに生まれ変わっております。
営業時間:10:30~19:00 定休日:日曜日、祝日
東京都港区北青山1-2-3 青山ビル1F t.03-3405-6050 f.03-3405-6051
Due to the renovation works of the Aoyama Building, Magis Tokyo Showroom was temporally relocated from its 1st floor to the 12th where it operated its business for 1 year.
On November 1st, MAGIS will reopen its Tokyo Showroom once again on the 1st floor.
Design Fresco, which has worked with the flagship shops of overseas brand such as Leica, Mikimoto and Omega, designed the space suited to the Italian brand in a simple but sophisticated way.
The display area has been increased and besides the masterpieces, representing the brand worldwide, also the new collection “Brut” design Konstantin Grcic and “Vitrail” design Inga Sempé will be on show. With this, we are confident to lead you into the spirit of the MAGIS world.
Since 1976 when it was founded, Magis has developed partnerships with major international designers and Italian factories in Italy for the complete manufacturing of its products, 100% “Made in Italy”.
From plastic furniture, which was once the main focus, Magis has expanded the range of materials like metals, wood and wrought iron for the development of its products which, in recent years, have received high support from customers who seek innovation and creativity in their lifestyle.
Magis opened the first showroom in Japan, located in Shinjuku in 2009 and it was then transferred to the present Aoyama 1-chome area in 2012. Successively, in 2017, it opened the 2nd showroom, located in Osaka.
The renovation of Aoyama Building, has been designed by the studio “Roman and Williams.” They have worked with “Ace Hotel” and “The standard Highline”, NY’s famous hotels, and also carried out the project for the cafeteria of Facebook. The Aoyama Building is their first interior design project in Asia and they successfully managed to create an aesthetically attractive image to the building.
We welcome you to the Magis Tokyo Showroom Renewal Opening in the Aoyama Building, the new landmark of Aoyama 1-chome area. We are looking forward to seeing you.
MAGIS Tokyo Showroom Profile
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Open: 10:30~19:00 Close: Sunday and national holidays
Aoyama Bldg. 1F, 1-2-3 Kita-aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
t.03-3405-6050 f.03-3405-6051
Tuesday, November 13, 2018